Oct 29, 2014

Oct. 2014 Ipsy Subscription Box Review

ipsy, subscription box, makeup, make up, eye lashes, lashes, lip gloss, exfoliant, michelle phan, makeup guru,eye shadowIpsy is a $10 monthly subscription bag that sends its subscribers a small makeup bag along with four to five full and sample products that match their preferences. These preferences are defined by the completiom of a survey at the beginning of sign up at Ipsy.com. For example you can choose to mark as favorites eye shadows and facial masks, while leaving off lipsticks and mascaras. Of course this does not mean that you will never get these products, but instead  Ipsy will try to provide you with the product you prefer and sometimes introduce you to products that you thought you would never like, but may end up liking. 

Also after sending their monthly bags, Ipsy provides their subscribers with special discount coupons for the products of the month!

So these are the product that I got this month:

patagonia, polish

 Patagonia Body Butter Sample.

 This body butter smells really good. It's not strongly scented, but it has a relaxing smell that I personally like. It is really moisturizing and smooth. I would definitely consider purchasing when after I run out of it. 

epice, exfoliant, ipsy
Purifying Exfoliant Sample

I am not really excited about this because my face is really delicate and every time I try to do something on it, I just break out, but I may try it some time to see how my skin reacts to it.  mica, beauty, cosmetics, eye shadow, ipsy
Mica Beauty Cosmetics Eye Sadow

I was not really excited about this eye shadow at the beginning because I couldn't see myself using it. But then I discovered how multi purpose this shadow is. It could be used as an eyeliner or lipgloss if you mix it with water or vaseline. I am not sure how that works yet, but I'm definitely very curious to try!
i-Envy by Kiss Lashes

This is the only thing I was really really excited and grateful for because my lashes are done for and I really needed new ones. Also, I needed a new eye lash glue because my old one had dried out because I forgot to put the cap on... Oops!

Starlooks Lipsgloss Sample

I hate lipglosses, so I'm glad that I only got a teeny sample of this. I just don't like the sticky feeling on my lips. But the pink is a really nice natural color. 

The veredict of this month's Ipsy bag is...
Ehh Okay
I received around $18 worth of products for my $10. So it was not that impressive this month. And I also received products that I do not like. So I'm not really happy. 

Mayu Girl

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