Sep 17, 2014

Sept. 2014 - Ipsy Subscription Box Review

ipsy, subscription, subscription box, makeup, lipstick, hand cream, nail polish, face cleanser, powder, studs
Ipsy is a makeup monthly subscription bag for $10. Every month Ipsy sends its subscribers a small makeup bag along with four to five full and sample products that match your preferences. These preferences are different for every person, since you have to complete a survey at the beginning of the process to personalize your Ipsy bags. For example you can choose to mark as favorites eye shadows and facial masks, while leaving off lipsticks and mascaras. Of course this does not mean that you will never get these products, but instead  Ipsy will try to provide you with the product you prefer and sometimes introduce you to products that you thought you would never like, but end up liking (like me).

Also after sending their monthly bags, Ipsy provides their subscribers with special discount coupons for the products of the month!

So in the following images, I will show you each product I have, along with its retail price, and calculated price (if the product I received was sample sized).hand cream, ipsy, subscription box, sample, cream
cleanser, face, moisturizer, moisturizing, cream, organic, ipsy, nature,
smooth, criminal, powder, ipsy
hikari, lipstick, lipgloss, lips, ipsy
I loved the color of the lipstick and how smoothly it can be applied. It is not a really pigment, which perfect for those people who don't like bold lips.
pacifica, nail, polish, vegan, healthy, ipsy This nail polish is the bomb. It dries pretty quickly and it doesn't smell like nail polish usually smell like. And the color is gorgeous. In love!

Overall I LOVE this month's Ipsy bag. I couldn't have been more satisfied with what I got. Everything is good quality and goes beautifully with my skin. The price that this bag would have cost me is around $50. I can't beleive how much I got with only $10. I truly recommend you to try this monthly subscription because you will not regret it!

Thank you, and I hope you liked my blog. For more, please follow my other social media sites;

And don't forget to subscribe!
Mayu Girl <3

Sep 10, 2014

Evalectric/ Evolution Flat Iron Review

evalectric, evolutiom, flat iron, hairstyle, curling iron, hair iron, hair straightener

The Evalectric or Evolution Iron is an flat iron that uses infrared waves to warm the inside protein of your hair strands without damaging your hair on the outside. It claims to keep your hair styled for longer because it emits ions to your hair opposite of your body. The flat iron has ceramic plates that are much more delicate, but compared to the usual metallic plates, they do not burn or damage your hair. 

evalectric, evolution, flat iron, pacsun, choies
Top +Choies  Shorts +PacSun 

In this picture, I straightened my hair with the Evalectric flat iron. As you can see, my hair does not seem damaged or dry at all. 

After three months of using this product, I can say that this is one of the best flat irons I have ever used on my hair. Honestly, at first I was wary of purchasing it at the mall because of the price, but it was totally worth it. And I definitely recommend it because of how beautifully it works on your hair. 
evalectric, flat iron, black, hair, straightener, evolution, curler,

I do not recommend buying the flat irons from the online page because they are double the price than at the mall. If you find an Evolution stand at the mall, and purchase a flat iron, you'll get a shampoo and a conditioner worth $25 each, and a three year warranty. So it is a lot better to purchase it at the mall or on Ebay than on their website. 

evolution, evalectric, shampoo, conditioner,

If you have ever tried any other product from Evolution line that you have liked, please let me know in the comments below. Or if you have any other line that you believe has the best flat irons, tell me about it! (:

Hope you liked my review on the Evalectric / Evolution Flat iron. For more, please subscribe by email or follow me on my other social media accounts;

Thank you!(^з^)-☆