Outfit: Top&Shorts - Original by Mayu Girl
Two weeks ago, I sat on an airplane for thirteen hours! So here are some tips to helped me from dying of boredom and a flat butt.
The first thing that came to my mind was to socialize with this guy that was sitting two seats next to me. We were lucky because we had an empty seat between us so we had some extra space. We talked about a lot of different things. It was pretty fun to get out of my comfort zone and speak to strangers, lol.
After that, I thought that I would watch a movie, but I discovered that for some reason the economy class had to purchase the earphones for two bucks. Unfortunately, I did not bring my own earphones and I did not want give up 2 bucks for some earphones that wouldn't even last me for a day. So I watched two tv shows and three movies without audio. That was pretty fun...
Then during lunch, I ate as slow as I could to waste some time, I drank a lot of water, which made me go to the bathroom about five times.
After that, I think I just went to sleep. Oh wait no, I did some of my homework. But that doesn't count because it wasn't fun.
That is it for today's story, I will be posting lookbooks in the future because I just got loads of clothes in my mail and I am pretty excited to show them to you, yay.
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