This is the first time that I have ever made a purchase at +OASAP and I was a little bit disappointed because of the material of the clothes. It is not a soft and comfortable material as clothes on +Choies that are really high quality. I think that the obvious reason is the pricing. While +OASAP has lower quality on the fabric of their clothing than +Choies , it is definitely a lot more cheaper in price. I was really satisfied with the fact that I could get this amazing shirt that I am wearing in the picture, I truly loved it and I think it was definitely worth its price, although it could have a better fabric.
I am also pleased witht he fact that +OASAP actually uploaded my picture to their website. If you would like to see I will provide you the link down bellow:
It is in the bottom left of the page and you just have to click on the right arrow where a video is being displayed and wait for a few seconds for the picture to load!
Overall I think that Oasap.com is a good place to purchase casual clothing that is not pricey for your wallet. They were pretty quick in their delivery and you get benefits from buying from them such as points that can be used for your next purchase and discount coupons. I do not think that it's a great place to buy clothing that will have a lot of use because of the quality of the fabric, which I believe would not as last that long. I would recommend sites such as +Choies,@chicwish and +Sheinside StreetFashion (these are my favorites) that are similar to Oasap, but do deliver clothing that will have longer wear

Outfit Info:
Top: +OASAP >Cat Patchwork Plaid Shirt
Skirt: +Charlotte Russe > Black Skirt
Socks: +Urban Outfitters > Black Socks
Boots: Book Off Japan
Sunglasses: +JCPenney

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